Garou Terry Combo
Garou mark of the wolves is a snk game and he has all the copyrights propieties.
Garou terry combo. Terrys target combo is really good not only because it is completely safe on block but also because it allows him to easily hit confirm and link its last attack into the strong version of his punch super anywhere on the stage or even into his light break special but only when the enemy has his back against the corner courtesy of midscreen pushback limitations. All characters can break on hit and a few can whiff their breaks to build meter. Close range again the weak power dunk. And thanks to snk for doing this wonderfull fighting game.
Garou only lets you perform 1 break move during a combo unless you land a counter hit which lets you do another free break cancel. Break moves are some of the easiest methods of hit confirming a combo to super in the game. Dedicated to my brotherluisferwherever you were. He is a bottom tier along with tizoc due that his break shot and feint moves are more a tactic than a combo adding.
Break moves are some of the easiest methods of hit confirming a combo to super in the game. Gameplay overview freeman is a pure ground rushdown character based on quick and speedyful combos your main objetive in far combat is to use your grab and break and in close combat to use your rekkas for pressure. Terry fights his best up close as his combos are extremely damaging and this is where his power dunk really becomes your best offensive weapon.